Philosophy #1: Best Me, Best You
I am evil. I pre-determine my compatibility with people based on the first few words that come out of their mouth. I laugh really hard when people get hurt. I pretend to lend the benefit to strangers while waiting for them to make their first wrong move. I do not give second chances. I am lazy. I am gluttonous. I do not admit my wrongdoing, but justify it as right.
I am good. I am compassionate. I am thoughtful. I remember you. I am creative. I am hopeful. I love. I will give you my last dollar. I will bring you soup in the middle of the night if you are sick. I will watch your kids if you need a night out. I will give you free graphic design and photography services. I love the world and God's creation. I am fighting for a better me.
We are a complex mystery of good and evil. I encountered a situation with my family where one of my family members found himself in a place of self loathing, hopelessness, and spite. I did not want to believe that this hero of mine had "fallen" so far. In essence, my thoughts and actions toward this person went from highly valued to speechless. Some hurtful words were said to me in this state and I gave up. This family member was barely family. I was done. I think over the next 3 months I only uttered 5 words to this person. I was angry and I was hurt.
After a hopeless spiral into darkness and an awful fight with my husband, where I threw some angry and hurtful words at his sweet, compassionate heart, I stopped. I did not want to be this monster. How could Joe continue to love me when I was throwing daggers at his heart? I asked him, "Why do you love me?" His answer was (and always is), "Because you're funny and make me laugh harder than anyone. Because you are beautiful. Because you know me better than anyone else. Because you were made for me..." slow, romantic, pause, " Because I do." He loves me for my best moments. He continues to love me to see those moments again.
I asked Joe that question for months and months - little did he know he was helping me form my worldview. I chose in June 2013 to begin seeing the best moments in people. To see them for their good moments and who they want to be, not who they sometimes are. Thus, the best me, best you philosophy was born.
Be inspired to create your best you.